CTL's Metal Finish News & Updates

NP3 and Galling Prevention

NP3 and Galling Prevention

by Ken Mantle CEF-2 Galling is a form of wear caused by adhesion between sliding surfaces.  Galling is caused by a combination of friction and adhesion between surfaces, followed by slipping and tearing of crystal structure beneath the surface.(1) Sliding mechanisms...

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NP3 for Aerospace Solenoids

By Ken Mantle, CEF-2 Solenoids are basically electromagnets and when they are coupled to mechanical devices such as valves, pistons, rollers, etc. they can be used to control specific movements or material flow. In some aerospace applications these solenoids are used...

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The Hidden Cost of Government Regulations

The Hidden Cost of Government Regulations

By Ken Mantle CEF-2  Industries in the United States are subject to a variety of regulations from federal, state and local agencies.  Certain industries inherently attract more regulation than others.  Manufacturing and in particular, metal finishing, are subject to...

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Blackening of Stainless Steel

Blackening of Stainless Steel

Stainless steel alloys are used extensively for the manufacture of components for a variety of industries including; aircraft, firearms, automotive and architectural.   Stainless steels inherent characteristics of strength and corrosion resistance make this metal an...

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100 Years of Training – Part 3

As a follow up to our recent article on the CEF Designation for Metal Finishers we are posting a three part article on the history of training programs for the metal finishing industry.  The article was written by Master Surface Finisher and AESF Fellow, Mr. Frank...

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100 Years of Training – Part 2

As a follow up to our recent article on the CEF Designation for Metal Finishers we are posting a three part article on the history of training programs for the metal finishing industry.  The article was written by Master Surface Finisher and AESF Fellow, Mr. Frank...

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100 Years of Training – Part 1

As a follow up to our recent article on the CEF Designation for Metal Finishers we are posting a three part article on the history of training programs for the metal finishing industry.  The article was written by Master Surface Finisher and AESF Fellow, Mr. Frank...

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