Blast Finishing
Aluminum Oxide / Glass BeadAdd a matte or satin finish, remove glare, blend tooling marks and imperfections. Plating such as electroless nickel and black oxide can enhance the imperfections in the surface finish of a part. Blasting before plating can give you a clean looking or matte finished part after plating.
Blasting can remove oxidation, carbon deposits, excess brazing, casting medium, flash, burrs or heat scale without the dangers of hydrogen embrittlement that comes from acid pickling.
Coating Technologies has a NADCAP accredited blast finishing department for surface preparation. If it is aluminum oxide for a matte look or glass bead for a smoother finish, blasting before plating improves adhesion and appearance.
Aerospace, military, commercial. No matter the application, surface finish and cosmetics of a finished part are vital to quality. Coating Technologies experienced blasting department can give you the part you need.
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